Sharyland FFA
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Farm Radio

 Students participating in the FFA Radio Broadcasting Contest can be any high school FFA Member.

Team members must be in Official FFA Dress.

A team of 3 members presents an informative radio program covering one or more agricultural subjects that is current in nature and local in content.  The contest assumes that the chapter has a regularly scheduled non-commercial radio program once each month over a local station

The following is a list of the Texas FFA rules regarding the contest.


1. The team shall consist of three members.


2. The broadcast shall not be less than 6 nor more than 8 minutes. (Penalty for violation shall be 10 points per minute or major fraction thereof.) A major fraction of a minute is defined as "31 seconds."


3. The broadcast is to be given behind a screen and over a public address system.


4. An information type of program covering one or more agricultural subjects is to be used.  It is to be current in nature and local in content.


5. Skits, plays, weather reports and sound effects are not to be used.


6. Team members are to retain their individuality and not assume false characterizations.


7. The team is to assume that its chapter has a regularly scheduled non-commercial radio

program once each month over a local station. The station provides an announcer to

introduce the program and to sign it off the air.


8. One team member may serve as moderator or discussion leader but should not be

designated as a farm radio director.


9. The team members will have an opportunity to test the microphones before performing the broadcast. One team advisor may assist in testing equipment prior to performance. A

maximum of three minutes will be allowed for such testing. Following the three-minute

set-up time, the timekeeper will provide a brief orientation. After this orientation, the team will then be allotted a maximum of one minute to begin the broadcast. The time for the 6-8 minutes allotted for broadcast will begin at the conclusion of this minute or on the first word of the broadcast, whichever occurs first.


10. No audio taping, picture taking, or video taping of events shall be permitted.



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